I have not put either of these on my apartment door, yet (amazingly, no JW's knocks here), but thought I'd share these signs I made. Sorry they're fussy, didn't want to upload huge images.
Patty Cake
JoinedPosts by Patty Cake
Door Signs to Prevent Certain Knocks
by Patty Cake ini have not put either of these on my apartment door, yet (amazingly, no jw's knocks here), but thought i'd share these signs i made.
sorry they're fussy, didn't want to upload huge images.. .
I'm Melting....any ideas?
by Patty Cake ini'm living in that zone in the usa which is going thru a super bad heat wave...it's been 100-109 f, with a higher heat index and high humidity for more than a week now.
i don't have ac and can't get one - i live in a baseemnt apartment with 2 windows, both of which are too small to fit a the smallest unit i've seen.
i have fans, but it's not enough.
Patty Cake
I'm living in that zone in the USA which is going thru a super bad heat wave...it's been 100-109 F, with a higher heat index and high humidity for more than a week now. I don't have AC and can't get one - I live in a baseemnt apartment with 2 windows, both of which are too small to fit a the smallest unit I've seen. I have fans, but it's not enough. Air circulation is poor.
I've been feeling nausea and am struggling to stay hydrated for a week now (been drinking a ton of water, eating water-rich foods). Aside from leaving the apartment into a place with AC, does anyone have suggestions on how to keep cool?
Patterson Bethelites and Reassignment
by Patty Cake inhi eveyone,.
i grew up in a family of jw's, i was never baptized.
i have two brothers who are elders, one is a bethelite in patterson.
Patty Cake
Wow, thanks for all the feedback! I haven't been online much lately and just saw some of your replies.
Thanks doinmypart, considering what you wrote I'm going to try to find out if my brother is still there...it's been a few months since I talked with anyone in my family. He is of the crucial age that is being discussed, so I'm sure he's a prime candidate. In my brother's case, I'm more concerned about the culture shock of living outsiide of Bethel, mixed in with the trauma of devoting your life to something and getting kicked in the teeth for it than the financial aspect.
I did not know that folks were being reassigned overseas from the USA. I'd think that at the least they'd send someone to a country whose language the Bethelites spoke! I feel my anger meter rising...
Thanks again,
Cougars, Reptiles and Bears. Oh My! Question for Hikers, Outdoor Enthusiasts and Hunters
by Robdar inprofessor and i are going to the smokey mountains next week for white water rafting and hiking.
although i adore animals, i am a little nervous about the wild life i might encounter while on the hiking trails.
in particular i am worried about bears, cougars and snakes.
Patty Cake
I agree with sinis about making a lot of noise. I don't carry bear spray. More than likely it'll just make them madder :0
Never seen a grizzly, just black/ brown bears. I've also hiked in snake country (although not a lot of rattlers there), always wore boots.
If you don't go with the snake guards, put your pants on top of (not inside) your boots. I always carried a walking stick with me. Some folks I knew carried a stick shaped like a fork at the bottom so that if need be they could spear the snake.
If you can handle the weight and can find the product, old ammo cans (usually sold at real army stores, they come in all sizes) work really well to store food - they are bear proof and the smell of food is completely sealed in the can. I've used those before while camping, they work great. Just make sure to smell the inside of the can before you buy it to make sure that there isn't nasty residue inside.
Racoons are evil, the spawn of Satan the Devil!!
Patterson Bethelites and Reassignment
by Patty Cake inhi eveyone,.
i grew up in a family of jw's, i was never baptized.
i have two brothers who are elders, one is a bethelite in patterson.
Patty Cake
Especially concerned since they switched him to what seems like a non-job-job a few years ago (meaning that he had a job with a lot of responsibility and was suddenly shifted into a different completely different job that, from what I can see, doesn't really need to exist.) I was told that he's been concerned for awhile now...just wasn't sure if things were stepping up there recently.
My hope is that this whole mess will shake him up enough so that he leaves. I'm thinking that he feels betrayed by the BOrg. Maybe wishful thinking on my part, but nothing wrong with that.
Can Un-baptized Be Apostates?
by Patty Cake inwhat is the currnent thought on this?
is the bethelite definition different now from the one in the congregations?.
i'm wondering because my bethelite brother suddenly was cold/ stopped talking to me a couple of years ago - after years of communication.
Patty Cake
Thanks everyone :) I suppose that opening my mouth as much as I did over the years may not have been the best idea to be able to keep in touch with him - probably took it's toll.
@Tuesday - ROTFLMAO!!! "Super Apostate" - I love that! With my superpowers I can now get that black cape that I've always dreamed about and no one can make fun of me :)
To be a good Jehovah's Witness you must......
by Sour Grapes into be a good jehovah's witness you must:.
have a fear of growing old and be vain about how you look.. struggle to make decisions.. be a nobody who can have power over others.. have a mental disabliity.. have a physical disabilty who wants a cure.. be normal, but have parents who are j.w.'s..
have had bouts of depression.. have a fear of being wrong.. the above are based upon people in the kh.
Patty Cake
Be able to answer questions parroting WBTS literature, but in your own words so that you seem to be paying attention, sort of, but don't take too many liberties in paraphrasing or you'll be a bad association
Visit the Farm, etc. and brag about it
(for men) Measure you sideburns. Make sure that they look like Jesus' in the most recent copy of the Watchtower
(for women) Measure hemline of your dress and make sure that your ankles don't show...or is it feet....
(for single women) Try to convince the only really marriable man in the entire congregation to NOT go to Bethel, but sound like you really mean the opposite, and pray to Jehovah that you don't end up with that doofus who keeps hovering around you
Only have family or personal "vacations" at bleak hotel rooms at conventions
Forget that the Smurf thing happened and deny all knowledge of alleged events to non-JW's
Forget that you believe that end is not near after all, and that all you really want to do is have some fun with "worldly people"
Forget that none of what you are hearing makes any sense
"Contribute" all your "extra" money, remembering this is especially important to do the more financially poor you are
Tell everyone not to shop at yard/ garage sales, thrift stores or flea markets because that used lamp that you buy may be possessed by a Satan-demon- genie who will deprogam you so that you will not want to be a JW anymore
Have a martyr complex (is helpful, but may not be necessary.)
Can Un-baptized Be Apostates?
by Patty Cake inwhat is the currnent thought on this?
is the bethelite definition different now from the one in the congregations?.
i'm wondering because my bethelite brother suddenly was cold/ stopped talking to me a couple of years ago - after years of communication.
Patty Cake
What is the currnent thought on this? Is the Bethelite definition different now from the one in the congregations?
I'm wondering because my Bethelite brother suddenly was cold/ stopped talking to me a couple of years ago - after years of communication. I was born in, never baptized. Was there a change from what I understand apostate means, or did he just think I was hopeless cause/ unbeliever after all these years and kinda give up on me?
Patterson Bethelites and Reassignment
by Patty Cake inhi eveyone,.
i grew up in a family of jw's, i was never baptized.
i have two brothers who are elders, one is a bethelite in patterson.
Patty Cake
@Gayle - Seems to me from I've heard, reassignment only means special pioneering (or at least includes it as a component - if you want a stipend.) I don't think they're giving priorty to building, more like they seem to be wanting to get rid of some of the older folks and keep a young staff - I'm assuming to save on health care costs.
@undercover - Yeah, wish they'd call it what it is - although that seems to be a trait of corporations in general. "Layoff" is also a bit sanitary for my tastes - but is still preferable to that "need is great" crap.
Anyone heard anything? I haven't talked to my Bethelite brother in years and got the info I have from my other brother. I'm not sure why he told me what he did. The brother who told me about the reassignment stuff is a former Bethelite, so maybe drank too much beer and lost his head :0
Patterson Bethelites and Reassignment
by Patty Cake inhi eveyone,.
i grew up in a family of jw's, i was never baptized.
i have two brothers who are elders, one is a bethelite in patterson.
Patty Cake
Hi Eveyone,
I grew up in a family of JW's, I was never baptized. I have two brothers who are elders, one is a Bethelite in Patterson. From what I've heard, my Bethelite brother is afraid of being "reassigned". Are there any tell-tale signs that reassignment is emminent? I'm really concerned about his future, since he has spent all of his adult life in Bethel. I get more concerned the more I read about all that new construcition. All the posts I've read regarding Bethelite reassignment are years old - does anyone have any new info?